Herbarz Rodzin Tatarskich w Polsce.

Edited by Stanislaw Dziadulewicz, Wilno 1929.

Murawski (Clan Bow)

The first appearance in the archival sources of the brothers Mortuza and Siulko Murawski was as owners of some lots in Rejze in the district of Wilno, around the year 1600. Among the many co-owners of the said village, living at the end of the 16th century, was their father. Because of the fact that Mortuza's sons appear around 1631 as being registered in the Kondracki Regiment and that Murawski men were always married with members of distinguished Tartar families, it allows us to conclude that they descended from a noble house, coming from beyond the Wolga River, established in Lithuania in the XV th century. There is possibly a common ancestor with the Babasz family (if not its continuation).

The sons of Mortuza Murawski were Czymbej, Achmiec and Mustafa. In 1645 Mustafa was the executor of his brother-in-law, Prince David Bielawski's last will. He was married to Aisza, sister of Mortuza's sons. Mustafa's sons were Szeichislam, who with his wife Szachzada nee Adamowicz bought a lot at Rejze from Alej Szamowicz, and Dzfar, who was in the years 1675-81 a captain of H. M. cavalry. As far as Czymbej and Achmiec are concerned, probably they did not leave any issue. (One of them was H. M. cavalry captain, later an emigre, who in 1671 negotiated with Hetman Sobieski to allow him to return to his native country).

Siulko Murawski left a son Mortuza, lieutenant in Prince Janusz Radziwill's guard, from whom he received in 1652 for his faithful services Pogawie estate (near Dokudowo) in the district of Lida. Mortuza bought in 1659 from Adamowicz family Tahirowszczyzna village, a part of which being sold in 1689 to Szahun Achmatowicz by Mortuza's sons Adam, lieutenant and Chasien, married to Raina Talkowska. Probably they bought lots in Lwje in the district of Oszmiana, later called Murawszczyna. From the said family proved his nobility in 1819 before Wilno Deputation as belonging to the Clan Bow: Mustafa, son of Michael of Murawszczyzna, and grandson of Alexandre, cavalry captain in 1769, whose brothers were probably Bogdan and Samuel, in 1773 companions in light cavalry in a division of Polish Army. Jan, owner of Katy, was the father of Maciej (Mathew), lieutenant colonel in the Ufimski regiment, married to Chalima P�ltorzycka.

At the same time when Mustafa proved his nobility, lived Hussein who in 1818 was mulla of Soroktatary, father of Jesip v. Josef (Joseph), of Machmet v. Maciej (Matthew), who was colonel in 1837, of Jakob, Bilal and Jan, owners of Jawkowce village in Volhynia; belonged to them Eliasz, standard-bearer in 1792 in the vanguard regiment.

Translated from Polish by Andrzej Wolodkowicz, October 1987.

OSZMIANA, ros. Oszmiany, bialorus. Aszmiany, m. W pn.-zach. czesci Bialorus.SRR, w obwodzie grodzienskim; 7,7 tys. Mieszk. (1961); zaklady przemyslu spozywczego. - Jedna z najstarszych osad na Litwe; 1385 grod w O. Odparl najazd krzyzacki; 1432 rezydencja ksiazat litew.; w tymze roku miejsce bitwy, w wyniku ktorej wojska Zygmunta Kiejstutowicza odniosly zwyciestwo nad Swidrygiella; obok starej O. Powstala w XV w. Nowa O., ktora otrzymala za panowania Zygmunta Starego prawa magdeburskie I przywileje; w 2 pol. XVI w. M. Radziwill Rudy zalozyl tu zbor kalwinski; od 1795 miasto znalazlo sie pod zaborem ros.; w czasie powstania listopadowego, 18 IV 1831, miejsce bitwy oddzialu powstanczego z wojskami ros., zakonczonej kieska Polakow I spaleniem miasta oraz rzezia ludnosci.

Wielka Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe Warszawa, 1966, vol 8, Nomo-Polsc, page 352.

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