Lipczyński Family entitled to display the Slepowron Arms

Slepowron Arms

Lipczyński Family of Pennsylvania from Wierzchoslawice

Wierzchoslawice, Poland

Charles Lipchinsky and Anna Vrabel

Charles Lipchinsky and Anna Vrabel

Marriage of Katherine Leptinsky to John Nebraska

Marriage of Katherine Leptinsky to John Nebraska

Three Leptinsky Sisters - Stephanie Kudyba, Catherine Nebraska and Anastasia Buzonas

Three Leptinsky Sisters
Stephanie Kudyba, Catherine Nebraska and Anastasia Buzonas

Lipczynski descendants of Adalbert Lipczynski

Some Lipczyński descendants of Adalbert Wojciech (Albert) Lipczynski

GWU students on the beach, circa 1955

GWU engineering students on the beach in Ocean City

How many GWU Engineering students does it take to...?

How many GWU Engineering students does it take to...?

GWU students with a sliderule

Looks like 2.173245 times 10 to the minus 6!!!

The Center of Attraction

The Center of Attraction!

Wedding in Carefree

7th November 1992

Leaving house #67 for the church

24 September 1957 Wedding

Buzonas - Lipczyński Family

A note on the spelling and pronunciation of the name Lepchinsky, Lipchinski, Leptinsky, Lipcryeiska, Lipkinsky, Lipkinsy, Leptunsky or other variations. Which spelling is correct? They are all incorrect! The correct Polish spelling is Lipczyński and is pronounced approximately as "Lip-chin-ski" with the emphasis on the "chin" syllable and the "n" soft.

How do I know? Because Polish is a phonetic language. If you spell it, the pronunciation follows and if you say it, the spelling follows. Children do not study spelling in Poland since there is no need for it! The various spellings originated in America and are useful only to trace the various families that adopted the different spellings.

The correct spelling is confirmed on the wedding certificate of Michael Lipczyński on 19 February 1917 at the Transfiguration Roman Catholic Polish Church by Father Michael Kozlowski. A Polish Priest would insist on a correct spelling of Polish names and did so in this case. Unfortunately the hand writing is in the European style so that the "czy" in Lipczyński may not be clear for Americans.

The family came from the Polish town of Wierzchoslawice near Tarnow. To my knowledge no one has searched the church birth/death/marriage records, but they have survived and presumably have more information on the family.

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